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发布时间: 2020-10-25 12:30:31

1、电子贺卡的好处 英语作文 请英语高手写一篇新的给我好吗? 谢谢 (高中水平80字左右)

Virtual greeting cards are also called online greeting cards. They are electronic cards used by people to share love and affection. Over the years, virtual greeting cards have become very popular. More and more people are opting to use them. Whether they want to wish friends and family happy holidays or just expressing their love, the cards have proven to come with very many advantages. First, the cards are so popular because they are cheap. In fact, many cards are free and this is pretty exciting to many. There are online cards that you will have to buy and perhaps it is good to know the good places you can go to enjoy sending free cards. 123 free cards is a good place to start. They will offer you a variety of card that will leave you amazed. The virtual cards for greetings come in all designs and styles. Selecting a card can prove to be very overwhelming and for this reason, it is vital that you keep in mind several things that you want to achieve. For example, you might want to go with a particular color, message and so on.

Virtual greeting cards are very convenient for you. You do not have to go to a shop to look for cards and in turn you will save lots of time and energy. All you need to have is enough time that will allow you to look for the right card. With this kind of convenience, you will not stress over getting cards and this will make you feel less burdened. Virtual greeting cards come with many other advantages. Varieties of cards found online will be greater than those that are at a store. This is because there is more room to display all the cards virtually. In many ways, the virtual shops for cards will be a one stop shop for all your needs. There is nothing more fulfilling than knowing that all you need will be availed to you in the right way. When online, you will have and opportunity to look at some of the newest trends in cards. Chances are that you will learn of new features that can make a huge difference to your search of cards.

Virtual greeting cards also come with another advantage that is worth mentioning. They provide you an opportunity to manipulate them to achieve the kind of card you want. Many online cards can be personalized or customized to make some features prominent. Creating your very own cards for greeting is a dream come true. This is because you will have the opportunity to capture a particular card just the way you want it. If you are not satisfied with the wording, you will have a chance to write your very own words as you try to express you emotion in the cards. There is nothing complicated about this and you will need to follow a few instructions. When you are happy with the card, you can send it electronically through email.


The superiority of electronic greeting cards :
1.Animation and sound can be broadcast.
2.Transmission line showing faster
3.more cost-effective
4.protection of the environment


Next Monday is my birthday.I'm going to hold a birthday party at home in the evening.It will start at 7:30.Would you like to come?I've also invited some other classmates of ours and some of my friends.
  I live at Guangming Road.You can take No 23 or No 45 bus and get off at the top of Guangming Road.Then walk left for 50 metres.It's a red house with a white door.You can't miss it.
I do hope you will come.




now more and more people send cards to each other when in special days.most of us use paper cards,but now i want to introce a special card to you,it's the electronic card.
  electronic card is send in internet,it has a pecular function that can make animation and music ring reading the card.it has a fast speed and has a variety of forms and when you want to choose one card.there are always several topics can give you advice.what's more,it can protect our environment and save the woods that make cards.
use the eletronic card.i think it can give your amazing.



环保 4000张贺卡就是一颗树




E-cards are considered environmentally friendly because their carbon footprint is generally much lower compared to paper card companies and because paper is not used in the end proct.




Dear Tom,
Happy New Year to you !
Hope you will have a happy year in 2016 and hope all your dreams can come true too.
Wish you will find a good job when you leave college.
Best wishes to you and your family.


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